Message From Supreme Knight

Dear Brother Knight,

Your immediate action is needed to support two important bills in the U.S. Senate that stand up for life!

This week, the Senate is scheduled to consider two very important bills – the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

The first bill, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, is life-saving legislation that would ban abortions at the point when scientists agree unborn children begin to feel pain in the womb (approximately 20 weeks).  Our recent Knights of Columbus/Marist polling found that 54% of Americans agree with this policy – including nearly half of all those who identified as pro-choice!

The second bill, the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, protects a child who is born alive, despite an attempted abortion, by requiring doctors to care for the child as they would any other child born at the same age.  This life-affirming legislation recognizes that there are two patients – a mother and her child – and that our public policy should protect both.

For more than a decade, our polling has found overwhelming support for the idea that our laws should protect both the mother and her child.  Both of these pieces of legislation acknowledge the humanity and dignity of the mother and her child and it’s time for Congress to act.

Visit our Knights of Columbus Action Center to ask your senators to support both the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protect Act and the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act today!  Please note that you need to send a letter to your senators on each bill in order to be counted, so please be sure to click through to both links.  You can also call your Senator directly – phone numbers are available at this directory.

Thank you for taking action to support a culture of life.

Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight