February 9, 2020
To All Members of Council 11680
My name is Arthur Ostrander. I am writing this letter to give you some background on the newsletter as well as a brief Bio on myself.
I took over the newsletter for council 11680 in 2014. At that time I revamped it changing the format. I published this newsletter from 2014 to 2017. During this time I held the position of the council’s recording secretary as well as the Scribe for the 4th degree. Prior to 2014 I was a Member of St Thomas council 11497 were I held the office of financial Secretary. I also published the newsletter for council 11497, for about 2 years?
In order for me to put this newsletter together, I need articles from the members and officers of this council. I plan to publish a newsletter every other month for now. If anyone has an article for the newsletter, or goes to one of the council’s event I would ask that you take pictures and send them to me at arthurostrander@gmail.com. I plan to make your newsletter one of best with your help. This newsletter will only be as good as the input I receive.
Here is a little about my years in the Knights of Columbus. I joined the Knights in 1984 at San Miguel council in Lemon Grove California. After going through my degrees I became the Warden of this council for 1-1/2 years. I was approached to help start up a new council in Spring Valley, California, (Case de Oro Council) in 1986. I transferred to this new council where I held various officers position. Approximately two years later the District Deputy asked if I would help start another council in Lakeside, California. I became a chartered member of this council “Our Lady of Perpetual Help council”. I was with this council until I moved to Florida. Upon arriving in Florida I transferred into Queen of Peace council where I held several Officer Positions and was active helping with various functions. Every Council I was always very active in all the councils that I joined. After being in Queen of Peace council I was approached to take on the position of Financial Secretary at St Thomas council, since the council was in need for someone to help bring this council together. After accepting, I transferred to St Thomas council where I stayed until 2015. During this time I started a newsletter, which is still going strong today. Since St Thomas was doing good and for other reasons I decided to transfer back to Queen of Peace council where I started the council newsletter and the Assembly newsletter. As stated earlier I took on the recording secretary for this council and scribe position for the assembly. I became inactive in the council and assembly in 2018 because of my wives medical condition. I became my wives caretaker, since she required someone to be with her at all times. She now has a nurse coming once a week and physical therapy twice per week and she is getting stronger. I wanted to become active again and the only way I can do this at this time is to take on the newsletter. I hope I can get every ones support in putting this newsletter together.

Arthur F. Ostrander
Newsletter Editor
(727) 372-9437 Home or (727) 514-8265 Cell Email: arthurostrander@gmail.com